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Recent Items - Properties Vertical

€ 1.500

Ufficio 170mq Corso Sicilia Catania AFFITTO

Corso Sicilia,
Categoria:, in
Camere:6Bagni:2 Dimensione:170 m2 ID:25400
€ 295.000

Intero Stabile Villaggio Delfino VACCARIZZO ...

Villaggio Delfino Verde Vaccarizzo, , ,
Dimensione:350 m2 ID:25369
€ 465.000
Trattativa in Corso

Via Torino 280mq appartamento VENDITA

via Torino , ,
Camere:10Bagni:4 ID:25345
€ 600

Piazza Nettuno Catania AFFITTO

Categoria:, in
Dimensione:30 m2 ID:25296

Recent Articles - Vertical

Verande e Strutture Precarie Regione Sicilia

Feb 14, 2024
Legge Regionale 4 del 16 Aprile 2003, articolo 20 Solo in Sicilia, regione a statuto speciale, è possibile regolarizzare le verande con strutture precarie;L’ art. 20 della l.r. 4 del 2003 recita ...SCOPRI DI PIU'...
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Diritto Abitativo At-Home- Immobiliare

Diritto di Abitazione cos’è e quando è...

Mar 24, 2023
Il diritto di abitazione è regolato dall’articolo 540 del codice civile, e cita testualmente,”A favore ...SCOPRI DI PIU'...
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At-Home Immobiliare Valutazioni online

Usufrutto-Nuda Proprietà… entriamo nel...

Mar 14, 2023
Dividiamo la piena proprietà in Nuda proprietà e Usufrutto L’usufrutto è un diritto reale minore regolat ...SCOPRI DI PIU'...
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Recent Items - Properties Horizontal

€ 1.500

Ufficio 170mq Corso Sicilia Catania AFFITTO

Corso Sicilia,
Categoria:, in
Camere:6Bagni:2 Dimensione:170 m2 ID:25400
€ 295.000

Intero Stabile Villaggio Delfino VACCARIZZO ...

Villaggio Delfino Verde Vaccarizzo, , ,
Dimensione:350 m2 ID:25369

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We hired the WP Estate team as our buyer agent because they are specifically trained in Short Sale & Foreclosure transactions. All in all I have no doubt that we would have failed to close without an experienced representative such as the professionals at WP Estate working for us, and we are very grateful for all they did.
Lisa Simpson, happy buyer
The WP Estate team did an outstanding job helping me buy my first home. The high level of service and dedication to seeing things done the right way is what I look for in an agent. The WP Estate team delivered on that expectation and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is in the market to buy a home. The WP Estate team delivered on that expectation and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is in the market to buy a home.
Susan Barkley, happy seller

You're invited to this week's Open House!

WP Estate invites you to join this week’s Open House event that takes place on 1st Avenue 658 Street from 9 AM to 5 PM daily. For more details reach us at 888-654-6684 or email at lorelei@wpestatetheme.org. Contact person is Lorelei Gilmore.

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